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Are Termites Eating Your Furniture?

Are you aware of the silent destroyers hiding at your home? A lot of you may notice after termites have done the damage. Termites have the ability to tear woods with their mouths, and that’s precisely why you should be worried about them. Even though they are really tiny, but they can seriously turn your peaceful life into a nightmare. The damage termites can cause to your valuable furniture is unprecedented. It’s really important for you to get rid of these tiny little insects before they make your home their own!

 If you are looking for TermiteTreatment Ghaziabad, General Pest Control in Noida, or Pest control greater Noida; you can get in touch with ZX Pest Control, a well-established company that provides pest control services to its clients. They have a team of professional technicians and uses WHO-certified chemicals for the pest control treatment. 


What Are Termites?

 There are three castes of termites (Reproductive, soldiers, and workers). They are so tiny in size that they can enter through a crack as small as 1/16 inch. They will feed on wood and then return to their colony to feed others. An average colony consists of 60,000 - 250,000 termites, and a colony of 60,000 can eat 5 grams of wood every day.  

Warning Signs That Termite has Already Entered Your Property:

These are so tiny that you won’t ever notice that they are right at your home, feeding on your valuable furniture. But here are some signs that you can look out for to detect the presence of termites. 

 If you notice mid tubes on beams, outer walls, and other possible places.

 If you have a lot of cracks or bubbling paint in your walls, then those can be a home for termites.

 If you hear a hollow sound when you tap on the wall, shelf, or any other wooden furniture in your home. 

 If you notice dead termites or cast-off wings

 If you notice damaged wood or holes in your wooden furniture. 

 Signs That Termites Have Started Damaging Your Property:

 Even if your home is made of material other than wood, there is a risk for termite infestation. How much damage has been done to your home depends upon the type of termite that has entered your property. So if you see visible mazes on your walls, then there are chances that subterranean termites have damaged your home; the damage done by them is usually full-blown. There are drywood termites too that reside inside your furniture or walls, and the first damage they do is, create cracks in the walls or furniture. 

 Steps That You Can Take To Prevent Termite Damage:

 Try to reduce the amount of moisture in your home, like water-filled vents, pipe holes, or leaking faucets. 

 Always keep track of all exterior areas of all your wooden furniture and seal cracks outside of the home. 

 Routinely inspect your home and look out for any warning signs discussed above. 

Avoid a situation where the wood touches the soil, which can act as an entry point for termites. 

 Though you may avoid termite damage altogether by following these points if you are that lucky, but mostly it’s not possible to always keep a check, and once termites infest your home, it can’t be controlled with DIY methods, so calling a pest control services for anti-termite treatment is the best option. 

If you are looking for Termite Treatment Ghaziabad, General PestControl in Noida or Pest control greater Noida, you can contact ZX Pest Control as they provide the highest standard of pest control in the Delhi NCR region. 

Related Article:- What Are The Factors to Consider Before Booking Pest Control Services?


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